Class Meeting
For the reading assigned to your House: You will have 15 minutes to discuss the questions assigned HERE. Then you will present your findings to the class as we put together a bigger picture of the ways these readings speak to each other. Have a copy of the readings handy. Left that packet at home? That's okay. Here it is.
If you want, for Essay 2 you can use the podcast featuring Brittney Cooper: https://www.npr.org/templates/transcript/transcript.php?storyId=707189797
or any of the readings/podcasts/images in The New York Times 1619 Project: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2019/08/14/magazine/1619-america-slavery.html
For Next Class
- Write Journal 8 ("The Storm," "The Rope.")
- Complete Quiz: Kindred: "The Storm," "The Rope" and Quiz: Literary Terms II
- Bring in a brief proposal of your topic and angle for Essay 2 to pitch in class. Your proposal must include THREE pieces of evidence from the novel. Prompt for Essay 2
Turn in work for Essay 1:
- Draft 1
- Reader Feedback for Poetry Paper (2 reader reports)
- Draft 2
- Self-reflection Checklist
- Any slips proving you have visited the Writing Center (B200) or SGA Tutoring